...A poem can be as delicious as a meal or as satisfying as an authentic conversation. Enjoy!

from Sagesse



Or is it a great tide that covers the rock-pool

so that it and the rock are indistinguishable


from the sea-shelf and are part of the sea-floor,

though the sea-anemone may quiver apprehensively


and the dried weed uncurl painfully

and the salt-sediment rebel, "I was salt,


a substance, concentrated, self-contained,

am I to be dissolved and lost?"


"It is fearful, I was a mirror, an individual,"

cries the shallow, rock-pool, "now infinity


claims me: I am everything? but nothing";

peace, salt, you were never as useful as all that,


peace, flower, you are one of a thousand-thousand others,

peace, shallow pool be lost.

                                                                                                                                                   ~Hilda Doolittle


Solstice 2020 revisited in 2024

A gift from the Ocean

Sometimes the knot is to be left alone.

Acknowledged, respected, loved.

Only the desire to unwind itself will…

and then, maybe, it is to remain entwined beauty, as it is.


revisited 4 years later in July.

In a glimpse of recognition,

This kelp knot, its’ tendriled immensity

Becomes Medusa’s wig.

A tragedy, a lie’s process ensnarling those who partake.

Honoring Marguerite Porete

All of the temptations; how devout we must become.

The falls, the bruises, and scratches. Some raped, some groomed.

Still more is to be lost as some are murdered and have been burned at the stake.


Until that cradled valley within is found, next to a flowing river crossed by a bridge.

Clear, pure, resonance. A temple bell struck once.

A lightning bolt ricocheting through the darkness. 

Illumined briefly, but forever established as an internal ‘Big Bang’.


…even that must be let go of, when we live pramanas present.

WHAT to say in the age of Micro-moment News Feeds????

THANK GOODNESS for social media in this time, when media is influencing and biasing at greater degrees of freedom and affecting the notions of our freedoms here in America. News worthy? Who knows???...the fairies and the yogi have been blessed with new gigs thanks to City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department and painting and drawing with a heightened sense of detail, vividness, and expression. STAY POSTED!!!!